(Michael Tooley, “The Moral Status of Cloning Humans”, Hamber and Almeder (eds.) , Human Cloning, Humana Press, 1999)
うわ! 私がまちがっていた。
… one can argue that abortion is not wrong because the human that is killed by abortion has not developed to the point in which one has a person. (p.73)
粘着だっていいじゃないか、ぱーそんだもの (かりを)
Now I am interested in Japanese history of bioethics, especially how your theory of personhood has been introduced into Japan.
My question is simple. As I understand, in your terminology in “Abortion and Infanticide”, “person” means, roughly, “an entity that has a serious moral right to life”.
But in “The Moral Status of Cloning Humans” in the Kyoto lecture and Humber and Almeder (eds.) Human Cloning, you wrote “… one can argue that abortion is not wrong because the human that is killed by abortion has not developed to the point in which one has a person.”(p.73)
I feel somewhat strange to find the phrase “one has a person”. I guess it should be “the point in which one *is* a person” or “one has *personhood*”. Or, the word “person” in the latter paper has some different conception from that of the first paper?
I’d be very grateful if you could have some spare time to answer my question. Thank you in advance,
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